AOII infinity rose

Inspire Ambition

Bryant University - Beta Upsilon


Alpha Omicron Pi's

Core Values


Commitment to

Alpha Omicron Pi was founded on a promise to serve not only one another but the greater community as well. This commitment reflects a philosophy of friendship, concern, and usefulness in the world.


Commitment to

Whether a member chooses to serve as a chapter officer, or represent AOII as a member of other campus or community organizations, there are numerous opportunities to develop leadership skills as a member of AOII.


Commitment to

AOII encourages all members to excel academically and has many programs designed to assist women in achieving their academic goals. Expectations are high but the support provided by scholarship programs, academic development officer resources, and fellow members makes success attainable.


Commitment to
College Loyalty

From collegiate years on through alumnae involvement, the reason AOIIs continue service is the joy of spending time together and sharing the insights learned from the relationships we build and sustain.

Want to learn more about becoming a Sister?

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Letter from the President

Hello! My name is Elizabeth Hall , the current Chapter President for the Beta Upsilon chapter. On behalf of our sisterhood, we welcome you to Alpha Omicron Pi at Bryant University! We are humbled that you chose to learn more about our growing sisterhood. Home to caring, passionate, and ambitious women, Beta Upsilon continues to grow and exceed expectations on our university's campus.

Here at Alpha Omicron Pi, our motto is "Inspire Ambition." Our women do this naturally, as we push ourselves to be the best we can be every day. From having the highest Women’s Organization GPA on campus, winning the 2023 Greek Organization of the Year, and serving our college community through activities such Arthritis Week where we have a week full of different fundraiser to support Alpha Omicron Pi’s philanthropy, The Arthritis Foundation. Not to mention the extensive leadership positions our women hold across campus, we constantly inspire both each other as well as those outside of our sisterhood.

We value loyalty; loyalty to our campus, loyalty to our academics and passions, and most importantly, loyalty to our sisters. Whether it is supporting our sisters at their Honors Thesis presentations, having a coffee date, helping a sister to study at ACE and the Writing Center, or simply being a shoulder to lean on when times are tough, we support, love, and cherish our sisters in every aspect of our lives.

These women are my best friends, my rocks, my home away from home, my biggest supporters, and above all, they are my sisters.

I have been blessed to share a sisterhood with these women, and I will cherish these memories I have made with them for the rest of my life. My time as a collegiate may be ending upon graduation in 2024, but I can say for certain that Alpha Omicron Pi is for a lifetime. As one of our founders, Stella G.S. Perry, stated beautifully, "my sisters remind me, by their very steadfastness, that truth, beauty, and goodness exist in the world, and that no matter what there are and always will be people loving people through thick and thin."

I hope you enjoy learning more about our chapter! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us using the links below.

Alpha Love,

Elizabeth Hall